Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Origin Story

Origin Story
The three life-altering experiences are "trauma, destiny, and sheer chance."
My Origin Story for THE BOLT
On a very cloudy day, I was walking through the city of "New York" where it was just about to storm like crazy. I was trying to get to my apartment which was 15 minutes away by walking. It started to pour with water. As I looked up into the sky, I noticed lightning about to strike! I then started to run as fast as I can. All of a sudden," BOOM!" lightning struck me in my back. I was in deep pain. The wind started to pick up and I was being lifted off the ground. Clouds and lightning started to strike and spin around me to the point I was going die. In that moment I was transformed into "THE BOLT!" I had an amazing power to control, create, and manipulate lightning and a bit of wind. It was if I was chosen to have this power and become a super hero.

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